How to register: https://youtu.be/JqVkV1XPzsg http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Register Introductory video to Kantai Collection.
2015/08/15Teenage girls fighting for the Confederacy and winning the Battle of Gettysburg, dear god please please someone get on that.
YouTube-Potential History
2018/10/19Voiceover for the first time in ages. anyway, as I explained in the video this is another method that some have been using to level DD.
2018/10/19This quest can be lengthy but generally the maps are reasonable enough up to this stage.
2021/08/08Japan offers Aaox boats, who are also girls. Can they convince him to get on board? ¶ EDIT: The response I've gotten for this video is ...
2015/03/18Ta-class Battleship just got rekt~
YouTube-Kael S
2015/03/24Thanks to Play-Asia for sponsoring this series. Buy KanColle Kai at this referral URL to support me and my channel: ...
YouTube-BlueMaxima's Gaming Channel
2016/10/20This map's Final dance is no joke at least pre boss, took several attempts to break through. The boss doesnt seem that much more challenging ...
2021/12/28Last common composition as of the release of these early looks. Advantages: Can take advantage of a second round of shelling at the boss as ...
2021/12/28This video will guide you through the entire installation and registration process to play Kantai Collection on PC/Mac with the English ...
2022/02/23make games for that console in Japan and the maker is expecting to sell 500000 copies of this one! That's confidence!! Kantai Collection is ...
2016/02/20Today on Game Exchange, does the popular web game Kantai Collection, or KanColle(艦これ) for short, have an anti-American sentiment built ...
YouTube-Gaijin Goombah
2016/05/15Comments44. midnightsun. 最後の美味しいところを姉に譲る妹の鑑. 4:47 · Go to channel · The Best Waifu Kongou Kancolle - Kantai Collection. My ...
YouTube-Kael S
2015/03/24Battleships, bathhouses, and everything in between. "No more long videos for the rest of the year", he said.
2020/09/01Explosion Warning! The bomber's Michishio. 爆発注意!爆弾魔の満潮です。 Thank you for watching! ◇Time: 7.0 hours ◇完成版(Full Pic) ...
2021/01/04Discussing my thoughts on episode 4 of Kantai Collection: KanColle... What say you? :::Related Links::: Anime First Impressions ...
2015/01/28Hibiki's wonderland of l... Just For Fun. No photo description available. Kantai Collection - KanColle. Kantai Collection - Kan... Interest. No ...
Facebook-Death Usagi's KanColle News & Guides
2016/09/25Beyond the Brick's Joshua Hanlon talks with Risz about his LEGO KanColle game characters at Japan Brickfest 2018. Subscribe for awesome new ...
YouTube-Beyond the Brick
2018/07/292023's Best KanColle Tools: A Comprehensive Guide. 2.6K views ... The Top Mods for 2025! | World of Warships. 9_9_destroyer•7.9K views.
2023/01/29So Robyn got to review Strike Witches on boats. Is it just as silly or better? Be sure to stick around after the credits for a special spoof ...
YouTube-Anime America